No review about DREAM BERLIN

I’m really sorry but I can’t write a review about DREAM Berlin because the last weekend was pretty horrible for me. It started on thursday when  a tooth began to hurt a lil.I thought one of my wisdoom tooth was about to grow so I called my dentist for an appointment in the next week but I had to visit him on friday because of this frickin’ pain. He told me that actually the lower left third molar has to be removed and that the gingival is sore because of it’s growth.

Ok I thought that’s it and I’ll be fine but at afternoon the nightmare started. My wohle jaw hurted so much and I really thought this wisdoom tooth is breaking it. After about 24 hours withouth sleep and with a lot of pain I went to another dentist and he told me that this isn’t my wisdom teeth. He stopped the pain and now I’m good but after this I really wasn’t able to go to Berlin. I never felt so much pain before but that’s enough crying!

Here are some videos of Dream berlin. It seems that it has been a great success. Let’s see where the next Dream will take place!

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